Homework Policy

29 10 2009

Beginning with the second quarter, I will be implementing new homework policy.

I will expect students to finish homework on time. I have a large red box in the room where students can put their homework. I will add a new yellow box for late work. Homework that is late, one day, will be worth a maximum of 75%. Homework that is two days late, a maximum of 50%. Homework that is more than two days late will not receive a grade. It is helpful for a student to do all work even if it is more than two days late.

I cannot make exceptions for this (except in rare cases) for one important reason. In our high schools, most Pre-AP and AP teacher do not except any late work at all (I know because I have a daughter who has seen her grades drop from A to B or B  to C because of missing homework at Central High). Our eighth grade teachers have a policy that by the end of their first semester, they will not accept late work at all. It is important that between now and then, our students begin to understand the importance of  getting work in on time.


However, I am a parent too, and life is busy. Parents, if there is a good reason that a child could not finish an assignment because of conflicts outside of your child’s control, please send a note with your child to school explaining this. I will make an exception some of the time. But please help me hold your child accountable. I try not to give assignments that are too long. If your child is really struggling  with a particular assignment, I am here everyday by 7:40 in the morning. If you can drop your child off early, I can work with him or her on his or her homework. But please make sure your child has something to turn in to me.

Thank you



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